LACCD's State Legislative Priorities

Every spring, a contingent of LACCD representatives--students, faculty, presidents, Board members, and the Chancellor--converge on Sacramento to make visits to legislators and to support the District's priorities.  Here's a list of  some of the key priorities that are the focus of our State advocacy for this year.

  1.  AB 1862 Four-Year Degree  Free Tuition:  To provide two years of tuition-free education at any CSU campus for any ADT transfer from a California community college who has participated in the California College Promise program.
  2. Common Course Numbering Pilot:  To develop a common course numbering system in math and language arts to enable students to determine which courses cover the same subjects and content among the community colleges within the LA region.
  3. Community College Ethnic Studies Graduation Requirement:  Mandates that community colleges offer ethnic studies beginning in 2021-2022 and in 2023-2024, completion of an ethnic studies course will be a requirement for an AA degree without increasing the number of units.
  4. Public-Private Partnerships for Development of Affordable Workforce or Student Housing:  To provide flexibility to community colleges and districts wishing to enter into agreements with a private party to develop and operate affordable housing for workforce or student use.
  5. Increase Student Aid:  To extend Cal Grant eligibility from four to six years.
  6. Community College Student Housing:  To continue to advocate for housing funding (original bill--AB 48--included community college housing funding, but ultimately funding went only to the CU and UC systems).
  7. Support for Free Feminine Hygiene Products:  To be accessible through campus health centers.  Advocated by LACCD Student Affairs Committee.
  8. Support for Increased Funding for Student Basic Needs: to supplement the efforts already undertaken by community colleges.
  9. Support for LACCD's Dream Resource Centers and LGBTQ Students:  To support, through a one-time budget request of $12 million specifically for LACCD, addressing the needs of the Dream Resource Center and of LGBTQ students.
  10. Veteran Student Support:  To expand dedicated state funding for Veteran Resource Centers and fund a Veterans College Promise program.
  11. Increase Funding for Mental Health Services:  To support additional mental health services; e.g., an LACCD proposal for a pilot that would provide funding for a full-time psychologies on each campus.
  12. Increase Community College Funding:  To address the funding discrepancy between UC, CSU, and K-12 schools (currently, California community colleges are funded lower than all three of these segments).
  13. Increase Enrollment for Formerly Incarcerated:  To expand programs for the formerly incarcerated to support their return to college.
As the legislative session progresses, I'll keep you updated through this blog.