Update: AB 302

AB 302 ("the Parking Lot Bill") which, if passed, will require all California community colleges to provide parking lot access for overnight parking of students who must sleep in their cars, is headed to the Senate floor.  It moves forth with amendments, some of which were supported by the Los Angeles Community College District.  Those amendments include the following.

1.      Opt-out language for districts.  Under the amendments, a college would be able to opt out if they provide one of the listed items:
a.       Provide emergency grants that are necessary to secure, or prevent the imminent loss of, housing;
b.       Provide hotel vouchers through a public agency or community organization; and/or
c.       Provide rapid rehousing referral services.
2.       Delay implementation to 2021.  Implementation begins July 1, 2021.
3.       Exempt facilities adjacent to elementary schools.  No parking within 250 feet of elementary schools.

For some background information on AB 302, you can read the text here as amended.  

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